Hi! I’m Amber Andrews, a single mama to two littles, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and a certified Moms Moving On Method Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach.
My work with Talking Solutions Coaching LLC, is focused on empowering moms navigating divorce and coparenting while enduring post-separation abuse.
While coaching isn’t therapy, my work as a divorce and co-parenting coach aims to help you reclaim your peace, set healthy boundaries, and create a stable, nurturing home for your kids, even in the face of a controlling or abusive ex.
Let’s work together to take control of your future and thrive beyond the conflict!
The information provided by [Amber Andrews/Talking Solutions Coaching LLC] is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or mental health advice. Results may vary based on individual circumstances. No guarantees of specific outcomes are made or implied. Participation in coaching is not a substitute for legal representation or therapy.